Monday, 28 May 2012

New beginnings

Some big news- I'm moving to Norway! Initially to do my masters thesis over Summer, but on November 2nd I will be a fully fledged employee there.

As you can see, to mark the occasion I am changing the blog name, and also diversifying a bit. I'm still going to write about cooking etc. but I'm also going to try and document my new life here in the hopes that friends and family can see what I am getting up to. Potentially my experiences could be helpful to someone planning a move here themselves. 

As for the reasoning behind the new name- I believe that Bjørn is Norwegian for bear, so my regular nickname is just getting a Nordic makeover. I think the rest is fairly self explanatory!

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Patriotic pimms and pavlova

Just that really :)

Patriotic pimms and pavlova. Say that times fast!
I am back at home and my old school friends came around for what is fast becoming an annual BBQ. The sun was shining, and the company was great. The cups are actually leftover from the royal wedding, but as I am going to be missing the Jubilee weekend (an announcement about that to follow tomorrow!) I thought it would be nice to do some patriotic drinking today instead.

Monday, 14 May 2012

Someone's playing tube tricks...

This is what greeted me this morning on the tube. I was tired enough that it took me to page 7 to realize! Can you see what the issue is here..
Hint: look at the date!
I saved it from a paper snatcher (the people who tidy up the tube at the end of the line- I thought this was obvious but I have been informed that unless you get on at the end of the line as I do, you may not be familiar with this miserable lot) so it is pretty amazing that this is the one I grabbed!

I only realised when I started reading a piece about the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge supporting the idea of a day off for their wedding- I thought to myself  "that's odd, it has just been their first anniversary...what an odd time to suggest this?!"

Well whoever you are, I don't know what your thought process was, or what you hoped to achieve but if it was to put a smile on someones face, well done, you made my morning!

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Keratin Brazilian Blowdry

Now I know I can't be be the only one who's first thought was something along the lines of:
Surely a correctly executed 'brazillian' wouldn't leave much to...erm...dry?

How wrong was I! If it works as I am assured it does, it will revolutionize me. I have enormous hair. It's voluminous and unruly, an unattractive midpoint of curly and frizzy. It's the antithesis of sleek. I spend a good hour a couple of times a week taming it into submission- not much compared to some, a bonus of curly hair is that it doesn't get greasy too quickly. Where it really makes things tricky is on field trips where I spend all day outdoors and don't have regular access to electricity, when it rains between my home and my destination and when I spend any time somewhere humid. Unfortunately that tends to be on holiday when the number of pictures to document the "birds nest" sky rockets...

It is a very expensive treatment- between £150 and £250 and you need to repeat it approximately every four months. If you're like me and can't face paying that to see if it even works, then Groupon frequently have offers for the London area. I got a groupon for £59. I would not recommend the salon I went to- although the job was done, yes, it was quite a traumatic experience and I came out feeling cheap instead of happy! I won't go into it, but i'll give you one example. I was told my friends must be lying to me, that they must see how grey I am going, and she proceeded to pull them all out and leave them in a pile in front of me, whilst refusing to give me the haircut I wanted as it wouldn't keep "our little secret very well".

Something else I'm looking in to is buying the chemicals and doing it myself- works out at £8.50 (ebay!) a pop for short-medium length hair. I would recommend having it done professionally at least once before you give this a go though! If I go this route I will do a review.

I'll get some before and after photos up once I have my second treatment done- (I have left it a bit late to document the first, sorry!).

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Procrasti-baking: Macaroon Madness

Procrasti-baking v. art of baking instead of studying. The more complicated, time consuming and distracting the better.

Yesterday was a glorious day here in London, I had a less than glorious morning (read: exam) and I was in dire need of a pep me up. I couldn't face the stuffy room I seclude myself in to revise, and the sun had come out. More than that- it was shining! The doom and gloom of the past 10 days of April downpours had abated and a few pals and I sought our cheering up in the form of a picnic with tasty tidbits from Wholefoods in Hyde Park.

Wholefoods was a whole new world for a foodie like myself, it was downright painful choosing lunch! I was cursing the girl who had suggested it. The only thing I knew I definitely wasn't getting was plain grilled tofu from the healthy bar. In fact I knew I would stay well clear of that entire area. Disclaimer: Wholefoods is insanely expensive however if you're not feeling too flush don't rule it out- instead "dine out" on the huge range of samples.

On a recommendation I found myself perusing the macaroon cabinet. Until this day, they'd been on my radar, as I'm always looking for a baking challenge, but they hadn't taken hold of my imagination in that way only a recipe can. I think that's because I'd never tasted one before- it's the only way I can explain this slip, this lapse in judgement. That's 22 years of macaroon munching I've missed out on. I loved how shiny they were and much to the (short lived) amusement of the server I spent quite a while on my choice and changed my mind mid order once or twice. I settled on a bright orangewater and a fauny caramel one. And my god- the path of my day changed in an instant. I ate both on route to the park, pre-lunch I might add, and was reserving an electric whisk to pick up on my way home 10 minutes later from my spot on the grass.

Later in the day, I began to doubt myself. Was making macaroons on a Monday night at 9pm really a good idea? They're the pinnacle of a pastry chef’s career! Was I setting myself up to fail? I'd had quite enough of that for one day. Was embarking on a quest to create macaroon perfection really a clever idea during exams? Would I catch macaroon madness and spend hours pulling out flat macaroons and crying over them instead of my text books? I needed reassurance so turned to my favourite macaroon enthusiast- Raspberri Cupcakes, who's so blasé about "macronage" she uses them as decorations. She in turn sent me to Brave Tart who rightly reminded me that "we're talking about a cookie here, not the Heisenberg uncertainty principal". After reading her ten commandments I set about making her basic recipe, and they came out perfect:

Look at those beauties!

My only "failure" is that I had dyed the mixture green...but considering they're filled with a simple lime buttercream, I can call them citrus and return them to the pedestal of perfection in my mind that they deserve.

Too long, didn't read (tl:dr) - I made macaroons for the first time today and they came out awesome. Try it for yourself- they're delicious.
